Valid from: 1. JANUARY 2020,
Updated 11. NOVEMBER 2022,
Current 10. JANUARY 2025.
(see *)
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) are provided by Gábor Lajos Takács, a sole proprietor (hereinafter: the Service Provider ) and the Customer using the e-commerce services provided by the Service Provider through the website (hereinafter: the Website ) . hereinafter referred to as the “ Customer” ) ( Service Provider and the Customer together hereinafter: the Parties ).
Service provider identification data
Name: Gábor Lajos Takács sole proprietor or Gáborné Takács sole proprietor.
* as from 30.11.2021, for reasons of work organization, in case of certain products, the manufacturing and sale will be carried out by Gáborné Takács, as a contractor (Gábor’s wife), so her name will appears in some case on that invoice.
Registered office and mailing address: HUNGARY, 7694 Hosszúhetény, Fő utca 21.
Commencement of entrepreneurial activity: 10.05.1990.
Registration number: 5906327
Tax number: HU43156393 Customer service: I can only receive your inquiries via message exchange. I reply to all emails.
Email address:
1.1. The scope of these GTC extends to all legal transactions and electronic commerce services that are concluded between the Parties specified in this contract through the Website , regardless of whether they are performed in Hungary or abroad by the Service Provider or its contributor.
Commercial transactions are covered by Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services applicable in the territory of Hungary, Act (“Elkertv.”).
1.2. A significant part of the services of the Website is available to all users, even without registration. However, some services are subject to registration (and then entry), to which anyone is entitled in accordance with the GTC.
1.3. Purchases on the Website are possible with an order placed electronically, in the manner specified in these GTC.
1.4. After placing the order, the contract can be modified or canceled freely and without consequences until it is fulfilled. This is only possible by e-mail.
1.5 The contract concluded between the Parties with the purchase of the goods on the Website shall be deemed to be a written contract, the Service Provider shall register it and keep it for 5 years after its conclusion. The language of the contract is ENGLISH.
1.6. In addition to the mandatory legal regulations, the Service Provider undertakes the warranty conditions detailed below.
2.1. The essential properties of the product to be purchased, the instructions for its use can be found on the information page of the specific product.
Should you have any questions about the product prior to purchase that you do not find in the Frequently Asked Questions, our customer service is at your disposal.
Instructions for use are included with the product. If you do not accidentally receive the document that came with the product, please notify our customer service immediately before using the goods, we will replace them.
2.2. The purchase price is always the amount shown next to the selected product, which, unless otherwise indicated, already includes VAT.
The purchase price of the products does not include the costs of delivery or shipment.
2.3. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the prices of the products that can be ordered from the Website , provided that the change takes effect at the same time as it appears on the Website .
The amendment does not adversely affect the purchase price of products already ordered. When initiating a payment with an online credit card, in the event of a price drop between the sending of the electronic payment notification and the receipt of the product, we will not be able to refund you.
The security control of an online payment transaction is the responsibility of banking systems. Receipt of the product is only possible after this.
2.4. If , despite all the care of the Service Provider , an incorrect price is posted on the surface of the Website , especially with regard to the obviously incorrect, e.g. for a price of $ “0” or “1” that differs significantly from the well-known, generally accepted or estimated price of the product, possibly due to a system error, the Service Provider is not obliged to deliver the product at an incorrect price, but may offer delivery at the correct price, in the knowledge of which the Customer may withdraw from his intention to purchase.
The photos published on the Website , which show not only the images of the product, but also the camera, lens and filter holder required for their presentation, are NOT the subject of the offer.
2.5. You accept the order through the Service Provider’s Website . In order to accept the order, all fields related to the Customer’s data must be filled in completely. (If the Customer fills in a field incorrectly or incompletely, he will receive an error message from the Service Provider .)
The Service Provider shall not be liable for any delivery delays or other problems or errors that can be traced back to the order data provided by the Customer incorrectly and / or inaccurately.
2.6. The Customer can add the selected products to his Cart using the “Add to Cart” button on the product details page that appears after clicking on each product.
2.7. It is possible to view and modify the contents of the Cart after clicking on the cart icon on the right side of the Website , where you can enter the desired quantity of each product or delete the contents of the Cart (“Remove”).
2.8. If the Customer wishes to order the contents of the Cart, he / she must fill in the personal, contact and billing and delivery data by clicking on “My order details” in the interface that appears in order to place his order. You can then choose between payment and / or collection methods if possible at your location.
2.9. Once you have provided all the required information, you will be taken to the payment page by clicking on the “Finalize, I pay” button, where you can pay the final amount of your order.
2.10. The order is therefore placed by clicking on the “Finalize, I pay” button, which creates a payment obligation for the Customer, which he must accept.
2.11.* We’ve simplified the shopping steps so you don’t have to manage your shopping cart. Instead, you can choose from a list of products directly from the checkout page.
3.1. The Customer as long has the option has provided during the order data rectification (eg. Deleting products from the basket by clicking the “Remove” sign, or changing the amount of regulation) until “finalized pay” payment site launched buttons unsuccessful return to the Service Website ordering interface.
4.1. The client offers sent by (order) the receipt of the Service through without delay, automatic confirmation e-mail confirming the latest within 48 hours Customer for which confirmation e-mail containing:
– the client specified by making a purchase or registration data (e.g. billing and shipping information),
– order ID,
– the date of the order,
– the list of items belonging to the ordered product, the quantity, the price of the product,
– shipping cost
– and the final amount to be paid.
This confirmation email only informs the Customer that his order has been received by the Service Provider .
4.2. The Customer is released from the obligation to make an offer if he does not receive a separate acceptance e-mail from the Service Provider regarding the order sent without delay, ie within 48 hours .
4.3. If the Customer has already sent the order to the Service Provider and notices an error regarding the data in the confirmation e-mail , he must notify the Service Provider within 1 day .
4.4. The order qualifies as a contract concluded electronically, for which Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code , Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Services Related to the Information Society . the provisions of the law apply.
The contract is covered by Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) On the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses and takes into account the provisions of Directive 2011/83 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights .
5.1.* The Service Provider delivers the ordered and requested goods to the home or package box system using the contracted courier services, according to an individual tariff.
We deliver by DHL (Deutsche Post Express Worldwide). From 2025 we added Economy shipping via Packeta for some Central European countries.
You can find out about the current fees when you fill in the destination place and choose the shipment way as you prefer.
The Service Provider reserves the right to change the delivery fee, provided that the change takes effect at the same time as it appears on the Website . The amendment does not affect the purchase price of products already ordered.
5.2. After the order can be fulfilled, the Service Provider provides the Customer with the opportunity to choose the delivery date, which does not indicate a specific date, it only serves to select an approximate delivery interval. The Service Provider is not able to undertake delivery for a specific hour.
5.4. The services ordered on the Website are performed by the Service Provider at the location specified in the order confirmation sent to the Customer by e-mail.
5.5. The Customer can find out about the payment methods and pick-up options provided by the Service Provider on the page for filling in the order data.
5.6 Payment with a convenient and secure online credit card launched from the Website can be made and provided by PayPal Inc. or or Barion Payment Zrt., depending on the customer’s choice. Credit card details will not be sent to the merchant.
The service provider Barion Payment Zrt. is an institution under the supervision of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, its license number: H-EN-I-1064/2013.
A PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. a Luxembourg credit institution duly authorized in accordance with Article 2 of the Luxembourg law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, as amended, and the prudential supervision of which is exercised by the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, through its registered office in Luxembourg. PayPal Inc. (the parent company of PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.) is headquartered in California, USA.
The provisions of this section apply only to a natural person acting outside the scope of his / her profession, occupation or business activity, who buys, orders, receives, uses, uses goods and is the addressee of commercial communications and offers related to the goods (hereinafter “Consumer”).
The consumer is entitled to a contract for the sale of the product
a) the product,
(b) in the case of the supply of several products, to the last product supplied,
(c) in the case of a product consisting of several lots or pieces, the last lot or piece delivered,
withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt by the Consumer or his designated carrier .
The consumer is also entitled to exercise his right of withdrawal between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of receipt of the product.
6.1.1. If the Customer (Consumer) wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, he must send a clear statement of his intention to withdraw (by electronic mail) to the Service Provider using the contact details indicated at the beginning of these GTC .
6.1.2. The Customer shall exercise his right of withdrawal within the deadline if he sends his statement of withdrawal to the Service Provider before the expiry of the deadline indicated above .
6.1.3. In both cases, the Service Provider shall immediately confirm the receipt of the Customer’s statement of withdrawal by e-mail.
6.1.4. In the case of a written withdrawal, it shall be deemed to have been validated on time if the Customer sends a statement to this effect to the Service Provider within 14 calendar days (even on the 14th calendar day) .
6.1.5. In case of notification via e-mail, the Service Provider will take into account the time of sending the e-mail for the calculation of the deadline.
6.1.6. In case of withdrawal, the Customer is obliged to return the ordered product to the Service Provider without undue delay , but to return it within 14 days of the notification of the withdrawal.
6.1.7. The deadline is considered to have been met if the Customer sends the product (by post or delivers it to the courier ordered by him) before the expiry of the 14-day deadline.
6.1.8. The cost of returning the product to the address of the Service Provider shall be borne by the Customer .
6.1.9. The Service Provider is not able to accept the package returned by cash on delivery. Apart from the cost of returning the product, no other costs shall be borne by the Customer in connection with the withdrawal .
6.1.10. If the Customer withdraws from the contract, the Service Provider is entitled to withhold the refund until the product has been returned or the Customer has credibly proved that it has been returned: the Service Provider shall take the earlier date into account.
6.1.11. During the refund, the Service Provider shall use the same payment method as the original payment method , unless the Customer expressly consents to the use of another payment method; no additional costs will be incurred by the Customer as a result of the application of this refund method .
6.1.12. The customer can only be held liable for the depreciation of the product if it has occurred due to use in excess of the use necessary to determine the nature and properties of the product.
6.1.13. The Service may recover reasonable costs and depreciation due to the use of more than required use the product the nature, characteristics and functioning to determine – when the performance of a contract for the provision of services to the Client initiated and exercised its right of termination before the deadline at the express request.
7.1. Mandatory guaranty or warranty
7.1.1. Regarding the Service Provider’s products, the Civil Code and Decree 151/2003 on the mandatory warranty for certain durable consumer goods . (IX. 22.) of the Government, which means that during the warranty period it is released from liability only if it proves that the defect can be traced back to the improper use of the product.
7.1.2. The duration of the warranty (the warranty period) with the actual performance, ie the date of delivery of the product to the Customer .
Decree 151/2003 on the mandatory warranty for certain durable consumer goods is considered a durable consumer good. (IX.22.) Of the Government Decree, for which the law prescribes a one-year mandatory warranty period. The (material) scope of the decree only applies to products sold under a new consumer contract concluded in the territory of Hungary and listed in the annex to the decree.
The defect is not covered by the warranty if the cause of the product is Customer after the delivery of , for example, if the defect
– improper commissioning (unless the commissioning is performed by the Service Provider performed by or its agent, or if the improper commissioning can be traced back to an error in the user manual)
– misuse, non-observance of the instructions for use,
– caused by improper storage, improper handling, damage.
In the event of a defect covered by the warranty, the Customer :
– in particular, may, at its option, require repair or replacement, unless it is impossible to meet the chosen warranty claim or would result in a disproportionate additional cost to the Service Provider compared to the other warranty claim, taking into account the value of the product in good condition, seriousness and by fulfilling the warranty claim, the Customer has caused a conflict of interest.
– if the Service Provider has not undertaken the repair or replacement, it is unable to fulfill it within the time period corresponding to this obligation, in the interests of the Customer , or if the Customer ‘s interest in repair or replacement has ceased, the Customer shall choose the purchase price proportional you may request the delivery of the error , you may correct the error at the Service Provider’s expense or have it repaired by another, or you may withdraw from the contract. There is no room for withdrawal due to a minor error.
If the Customer claims a replacement within three working days of the purchase (commissioning) due to a defect in the product, the Service Provider obliged to replace the product, provided that the defect impedes the intended use.
Any repair or replacement – the product features and customer expected by the destination of attention – within a reasonable period, the Customer will spare no interest should be carried out. The Service Provider shall endeavor to carry out the repair or replacement within a maximum of fifteen days.
During the repair, only new parts may be installed in the product.
The warranty period does not include the part of the repair time during which the Customer is unable to use the product as intended. In the event of replacement (repair) of the product or part of the product, the warranty period begins again for the replaced (repaired) product (part of the product) and for the defect that occurs as a result of the repair.
7.1.3. The costs related to the fulfillment of the warranty obligation shall be borne by the Service Provider.
7.1.4. The Service Provider is released from its warranty obligation only if it proves that the cause of the defect arose after the performance.
7.1.5. However, the Customer is not entitled to assert a warranty and guarantee claim and a product warranty and guarantee claim at the same time, in parallel, due to the same defect. Notwithstanding these limitations, the Customer shall have the rights arising from the warranty regardless of the rights specified in the warranty clauses.
7.1.6. The warranty does not affect the enforcement of the Customer’s statutory rights, in particular the warranty for supplies and products, or for damages.
7.1.7. If a dispute arises between the Parties which cannot be settled amicably, the Client may initiate conciliation panel proceedings.
7.2. Voluntary warranty
7.2.1. The Service Provider undertakes a warranty (guarantee) for the products sold by it on the Website, indicated in the product description, which may be longer than the period specified in the government decree, the date of which starts upon receipt of the product by the Customer.
8.1. Supplies warranty
8.1.1. The Customer of the Service in case of defective performance of the Service or any claim on a warranty obligation. In the case of a consumer contract, the Customer may assert his warranty claims within 2 years from the date of receipt, for product defects that already existed at the time of delivery of the product. After the two-year limitation period, the Customer can no longer enforce its warranty rights .
8.1.2. In the case of a non-consumer contract, the right holder may assert his warranty claims within a limitation period of 1 year from the date of receipt.
8.1.3. The Customer may , at its option, request a repair or replacement, unless it is impossible to meet the demand chosen by the Customer or it would entail a disproportionate additional cost for the Service Provider compared to the fulfillment of its other request.
If the repair or replacement has not been requested or could not be requested by the Customer, the Customer may request a proportionate delivery of the consideration or the Customer may correct the error at the Service Provider’s expense or have it repaired or, in the final analysis, withdraw from the contract. There is no room for withdrawal due to a minor error.
8.1.4. The Customer may transfer from the chosen right of warranty to another, however, he / she is obliged to bear the cost of the transfer, unless it was justified or the Service Provider has given a reason for it.
8.1.5. The Customer is obliged to notify the Service Provider of the defect immediately after its discovery, but not later than within two months from the discovery of the defect .
8.1.6. The Customer may enforce its supply warranty claim directly against the Service Provider.
8.1.7. Within six months of the performance of the contract, there are no conditions other than the notification of the error to enforce your warranty claim if the Customer proves that he has purchased the product from the Service Provider (by presenting an invoice or a copy of the invoice).
In such a case, the Service Provider is only released from the warranty if it rebuts this presumption, ie proves that the defect of the product occurred after the delivery to the Customer. If the services can prove to be the fault of the Customer arising from fault it has not bound to the client upheld posed by warranty claim.
However, after the expiration of six months from the performance, the Customer is obliged to prove that the defect recognized by him already existed at the time of performance.
8.1.8. If the Customer asserts its warranty claim in respect of the part that can be separated from the product – in terms of the indicated defect -, the warranty claim shall not be deemed valid for the other parts of the product.
8.2. Product warranty
8.2.1. In the event of a defect in the product (movable thing), the Customer , who qualifies as a consumer, may, at his / her option, may enforce the warranty or product warranty claim specified in Section.
8.2.2. However, the Customer shall not have the right to assert a claim for a product warranty and a product warranty for the same defect at the same time, in parallel.
However, in the event of a successful product warranty claim, the Customer may assert its warranty claim against the manufacturer for the replaced product or repaired part .
8.2.3. As a product warranty claim, the Customer may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product. Defects in the product must be proven by the Customer in the event of a product warranty claim .
8.2.4. A product is considered to be defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force at the time of placing on the market or if it does not have the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.
8.2.5. The Customer may assert his product warranty claim within two years from the placing of the product on the market by the manufacturer. Upon expiry of this period, he shall lose this right. The Customer shall notify the manufacturer of the defect without delay after the discovery of the defect.
An error reported within two months of the discovery of the error shall be deemed to have been reported without delay. The consumer shall be liable for any damage resulting from a delay in communication.
8.2.6. The Customer may exercise its product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable property ( Service Provider ).
8.2.7. A Ptk. manufacturer and distributor of a product.
9.2.8. The manufacturer, distributor ( Service Provider ) is released from its product warranty obligation only if he can prove that:
• the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of its business, or
• the defect was not recognizable in the state of science and technology at the time of placing on the market, or
• the defect in the product arose from the application of legislation or mandatory regulations.
8.2.9. It is sufficient for the manufacturer or distributor ( Service Provider ) to prove a reason for the exemption.
9.1. The information on the Website has been posted in good faith, however, it is for informational purposes only, the Service Provider is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information .
9.2. The Customer may use the Website only at his own risk and accepts that the Service Provider shall not be liable for property and non-property damages incurred during use, intentionally, through gross negligence or crime, or for breach of contract damaging life, limb or health. in addition.
9.3. Service Provider excludes all liability for the conduct of users of the Website.
The Customer is fully and exclusively responsible for its own conduct, in which case the Service Provider fully cooperates with the acting authorities in order to detect violations.
9.4. The pages of the service may contain connection points (links) that lead to the pages of other service providers. The Service Provider is not responsible for the data protection practices and other activities of these service providers.
9.5. The customer of the s Website content may be made available when using the Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to check , and the Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to look for signs of illegal activity with regard to the published content.
9.6. Due to the global nature of the Internet, the Customer agrees to act in accordance with the provisions of applicable national law when using the Website.
If any activity related to the use of the Website is the Customer is not permitted under the law of the state, only for usage of the customer et liable.
9.7. If the Customer notices objectionable content on the Website, he is obliged to report it immediately to the Service Provider. If the Service Provider finds the indication to be justified in the course of its bona fide proceedings, it is entitled to delete the information immediately or to amend it.
10.1. The Website protected by copyright.
Provider of the copyright holder or the authorized user of the Website and the Website any content displayed in the provision of services available through any copyright work or other intellectual creation (including the cost of all graphics and other materials, the Web interface layout, editing and software and other solutions, ideas, implementations used).
10.2. The content or parts of the Website may be saved or printed on physical or other data carriers for private use or with the prior written consent of the Service Provider.
Use other than private use – such as storage in a database, transmission, publication or downloading, placing on the market – is exclusively the responsibility of the Service Provider possible with prior written permission of.
10.3. In addition to the rights expressly specified in these GTC, the registration, the use of the Website or any provision of the GTC does not grant the Customer the right to use or utilize any trade name or trademark on the website .
In addition to the display associated with the intended use of the Website, the temporary duplication required for this purpose and the private copying, these intellectual creations are the property of the Service Provider may not be used or utilized in any other form without prior written permission of.
11.1. Complaints handling
The Customer may submit consumer complaints related to the product or the activities of the Service Provider at the following contact details:
Customer Service (Customer Service)
• Address: HUNGARY, 7694 Hosszúhetény, Fő utca 21.
• Customer service, opening hours: only by prior arrangement • E-mail:
Pursuant to the applicable legislation, the Service Provider shall immediately investigate the complaint and remedy it if necessary, if the nature of the complaint allows it.
If the Customer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the Service Provider shall act in accordance with the provisions regarding the written complaint.
The Service Provider is obliged to examine the written complaint within thirty days after its receipt and to respond to it on the merits, and to take measures to ensure that the response reaches the Customer . If the Service Provider rejects the complaint, it is obliged to justify its position in its substantive response to the rejection.
The Service Provider is obliged to keep a copy of the complaint and the reply for 5 years.
The Service Provider accepts the objections submitted by the Customer by means of the messages via the direct contacts provided above.
11.2. Other enforcement options
If any consumer dispute between the Service Provider and the Customer is not resolved during negotiations with the Service Provider , the following legal enforcement options are open to the Customer:
• Complaints to consumer protection authorities.
If the Customer notices a violation of consumer rights, he is entitled to lodge a complaint with the consumer protection authority competent according to his place of residence. Following the assessment of the complaint, the authority shall decide on the conduct of the consumer protection proceedings.
• Conciliation Board.
For the purpose of peaceful settlement of consumer disputes concerning the quality, safety and the application of product liability rules, as well as the conclusion of the contract and the performance of the products of extrajudicial Customer may initiate proceedings in the Service Arbitration Board attached to the seat by the competent professional chamber.
For the purposes of the rules applicable to the Conciliation Board, a consumer is also a non-governmental organization, church, condominium, housing association, micro, small and medium-sized enterprise, which buys, orders, receives, uses or uses goods, or commercial communications and offers related to the goods. recipient.
Baranya County Conciliation Board operated by the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry
• Court proceedings.
The customer is entitled to enforce his claim arising from a consumer dispute in court in civil proceedings in accordance with Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on Civil Procedure . in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
12.1. The Website is a Linux / PHP based information system with a good level of security and no risk, but we recommend that you take the following precautions: use virus and spyware protection software on your computer with an up-to-date database, install security updates for your operating system.
Purchasing on the Website presupposes that the Customer is aware of the technical and technical limitations of the Internet and accepts the possibility of errors associated with the technology.
12.2. The Service Provider only serves orders for quantities used in households in its online store.
12.3. The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the terms and conditions of these GTC at any time. Prior to their entry into force, the Service Provider informs the users that the date of the latest entry into force can be read under the title of the legal information.
Valid from: 1. JANUARY 2020
Updated 26. MARCH 2024,
Current 10. JANUARY 2025.
(see *)
1. Introduction
It is very important to us to comply with current data protection regulations and laws, so we discuss in detail below, the privacy practices at (the “ Website” ) and the data collection processes for clear and appropriate information.
We follow the following principles in our data management regarding the visitor of the Website and the recipient of the service / product:
• We handle personal data legally and fairly and transparently for you.
• Personal data will only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and will not be processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.
• The personal data we collect and process is appropriate and relevant to the purposes of the data processing and is limited to what is necessary.
• We store personal data in such a way that you can only be identified for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the personal data are processed.
• We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we process is accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date, and inaccurate personal information will be deleted or corrected immediately.
• We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the adequate security of personal data against unauthorized or unlawful handling, accidental loss, destruction or damage to the data.
• We process your personal data on the basis of your prior informed and voluntary consent and only to the extent necessary and in all cases for the intended purpose, ie we collect, record, organize, store and use it. • In some cases, the processing of your personal data requires the service you have requested (eg delivery) or a third party has a legitimate interest, such as the operation, development and security of our website.
• If the processing of your data is based on legal regulations and is mandatory, in such cases we will draw your attention to this fact.
Based on its activities, the company does not justify a prior data protection impact assessment and does not require the appointment of a data protection officer.
2. Who we are?
The data controller is Gábor Lajos Takács, a sole proprietor who takes full responsibility for the processing of personal data.
Contact information:
- Full legal name: Takács Gábor Lajos as individual entrepreneur
- Email address:
- Postal address: HUNGARY, 7694 Hosszúhetény, Fő utca 21.
Data processors
In order to provide our customers with a high quality service, we use the following data processors to process their data.
If we change the list of our data processors, we will reflect the changes in this notice.
A data processor may only act within the scope of the legal authorisation, only in accordance with the instructions of the controller, has a duty to restore or erase data, must comply with the technical conditions of data security in its records, must cooperate in any incident reporting.
Storage service
Storage provider name: Nethely Ltd.
Storage Provider’s registered office: 1115 Budapest, Halmi u. 29.
Shelter provider’s website:
Storage Provider’s email address:
Name: Béla Balázs Musulin
Address: H-7694 Hosszúhetény, Verseny u. 44.
Analytics, Statistics,,,,, DHL,,,,
3. What personal data do we process and what reasons?
Personal data is what clearly allows an individual to be accurately identified.
The following personal data is processed on this Website , with the exact legal basis:
This includes any message you send to us through the Website, e-mail, social media message, or any form of communication. We process and retain this information so that we can fulfill orders and provide a basis for decisions in the event of any legal claims.
Our legal basis for processing this is the user’s demonstrable interest in our activity, which is reflected in the messages addressed to us.
This includes all information related to the purchase of products and services, such as the customer’s name, shipping and billing address, email address, telephone number, details of the product purchased. We process this data in order to successfully complete orders and to have legally proper records of purchases.
The legal basis for storing the data is the fulfillment of the contract concluded with the order between the buyer and Gábor Lajos.
This includes data generated during the use of the website that allows the technical operation of the site, to maintain the security of the site, to store backups of user activity and to always have access to the most relevant content possible.
The legal basis for the processing of data is the user’s clear interest in our activities, which requires the storage of these and the technical operation of the site.
This includes information generated during the use of the site, such as IP address, login information, browser information, time of visit of each page, page views and navigation paths, number and time of visit to pages, time zones, and device information with which you view the page.
The source of the data is our analytics software.
We process this data to analyze user habits on the site, keep our site safe, and understand the usefulness of each of our marketing decisions.
The legal basis for data processing is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business to operate more efficiently.
Which includes the visitor’s preferences, what marketing content they welcome from us. We process this data to allow you to participate in sweepstakes and to send advertisements related to our products / services that the user has expressed interest in.
The legal basis for data processing is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business to operate more efficiently.
The data collected may be used from time to time for purposes such as providing targeted, relevant advertisements on the Facebook ™ platform or on various dynamic advertising platforms and measuring the effective performance of the advertisements.
The legal basis for data processing is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business to operate more efficiently.
In the course of our activities, we do NOT collect sensitive data such as ethnicity, religion, sex life and orientation, political opinions and union membership, or health background, and genetic or biometric information.
4. How we collect data?
We may collect personal information in a way that is provided to us directly by the user (for example, by placing an order or sending a message * or sing-in for newletters).
In addition, certain data is collected automatically when you use the site, such as so-called “cookies” and similar technologies. They only take effect after the user has given their consent.
Please see our Cookie Statement for more information.
In order to measure the user interest in the Website, we can obtain anonymous data for statistical purposes in connection with the time and activity spent in different sub-areas of the website by heat mapping.
We receive certain data from external partners, such as analytics providers such as Google (non-EU partner), ad networks such as Facebook ™ (non-EU partner), and payment partners such as PayPal (EU and non-EU partner) and Barion.
5. Our practical steps on data protection
We make privacy a priority on the Website and have made significant efforts to securely collect the information collected by the Site.
Only the data necessary for the customer’s intended purpose (eg order) will be collected on the Website , if the informant’s voluntary consent is made, therefore this decision is not automatic, it will be requested.
In order to protect the data provided on the forms and generated on the Website , we use SSL certification throughout the Website (Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 certification).
In order to protect the site against attack, we use premium security software to protect the stored data against so-called “brute force” and virus attacks.
In the databases of the site, the purchase and user data are stored in encrypted form (pseudonymised), so they cannot be read by third parties.
In this privacy statement, we provide users with a form to request information about the handling of their personal information, to modify or delete their personal information.
From time to time, it is necessary to provide data to our service partners (e.g., hosting provider, courier company, newsletter software) in order to do business.
In this case, we will always select a contracting partner to meet the requirements of the GDPR Regulation and, in the case of a US-based partner, to participate in the EU-US Privacy Shield.
6. Marketing communication
Continuing marketing communication is essential in the course of business operations. The legal basis for data processing in this connection is to show interest in our services or the express consent of users.
In accordance with the European Union’s Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), we send marketing messages to our users if they have purchased from us or have expressly consented to receive marketing messages.
- Managing contacts and sending messages makes it possible to manage a database of email contacts, phone contacts or any other contact information to communicate with the User. We may also collect data concerning the date and time when the message was viewed by the User, as well as when the User interacted with it, such as by clicking on links included in the message.
- Managing support and contact requests allows this Website to manage support and contact requests received via email or by other means, such as the contact form.
The Personal Data processed depend on the information provided by the User in the messages and the means used for communication (e.g. email address).
In all cases, we allow you to suspend your consent and unsubscribe from messages. There is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each email, or you can request removal from the database at or the privacy claim notification form below.
You can also send messages when you unsubscribe from marketing communications, but only for order fulfillment.
7. Note on personal information
It is sometimes necessary to share certain personal information with certain of our partners in order to maintain normal business operations:
– IT service providers and service providers for troubleshooting and maintenance of computer systems
– Expert partners such as lawyers, accountants, bankers, insurers
– Government agencies that request a report on our activities
– Payment service providers who securely handle credit card information
– Courier services who fulfill incoming orders to the specified delivery address
International data transfers
We sometimes need to share user data with service providers outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in order to maintain our business.
In many cases, non-EEA countries do not provide the same level of data protection, so European laws prohibit the export of data unless the appropriate conditions are met.
Whenever personal data is transferred outside the EEA, in addition to the steps discussed in point 4, we will take the following steps to ensure the secure processing of the data:
– We only transfer data to countries that the European Commission considers appropriate for data security.
– We only use US-based services that are part of an EU-US Privacy Shield security initiative.
If the above is not met, users will be required to give their express consent to the data transfer. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.
Links to external sites
This page occasionally contains links to external pages, or code snippets embedded in the page that make external services work.
Clicking on these links or using embedded solutions can allow external partners to collect data about users.
While we make every effort to properly screen partners, we have no control over their privacy policies and are not responsible for their privacy practices.
8. Duration of data processing
We always store user data only as long as our legal / accounting / reporting obligations make it mandatory or necessary for the operation of the service.
When deciding on the duration of storage, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the data and the potential impact of the leak in the event of a privacy incident.
For tax reasons, we are required to retain customers ’billing and purchase information for at least 8 years to meet our legal obligations.
Under certain circumstances, we may use the data in an anonymized form for statistical purposes, in which case we store the data indefinitely without information.
9. Rights of the visitor
As a citizen of the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants users of the site the following rights:
a) Access to personal data
Users of the Site have the right to request a copy of the personal information stored on the Website . The request will normally be fulfilled free of charge within 14 days of the request.
In the case of repeated, abusive, unjustified data requests, sole proprietor Gábor Lajos Takács may charge a moderate amount to provide the data, and additional time may be required to provide the data.
Furthermore, Gábor Lajos Takács, a sole proprietor, requests proof of identity before releasing the data, in order to prevent misuse. To request personal information, please use the following privacy claim notification form below.
b) Modification of personal data
If personal data has been changed or entered incorrectly, users have the right to request that the data be changed. To change your personal information, use the privacy claim notification form below or please contact me at .
c) Requesting the deletion of personal data
Users have the right to request the deletion of all their personal data. The request will be fulfilled free of charge within 14 days of the request. After deleting personal data, the user account will not be available, so any purchased materials will also become inaccessible, as the personal data associated with the user account is essential to access the service.
The Lajos Gábor Takács individual entrepreneur calls for proof of identity before deleting any personal data, to prevent the abusive use. To delete personal information, please use the privacy claim notification form below.
d) Requesting a restriction on the processing of personal data
Users have the right to restrict the disclosure of their data to third parties (service partners) upon request. When submitting the request, the service partners to be restricted can also be named.
It is important to note that cooperation with certain service providers is essential for the operation of the site (e.g. Barion as an online credit card payment service provider), so if they are restricted, the services of the site will become inaccessible to the user.
The Lajos Gábor Takács-employed individual requests proof of identity before limiting the transfer of personal data to prevent the abusive use. To restrict the transfer of personal data, please use the privacy claim notification form below.
Privacy Claim Notification Form
The official body dealing with data protection in Hungary:
National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22 / C., Mailing address: HUNGARY, 1530 Budapest, Pf .: 5.,
Phone: +36.1.391.1400,
Fax: +36.1.391.1410,
Users can find out more about their data protection rights on the NAIH website.
For more information about cookie and tracking codes on Website see the following Cookie Statement detailed.
Technical Annex: What is anonymised data, cookies and how we handle them?
The Website uses technologies that are necessary to function properly and to help us better understand the behaviour and interests of users, thus helping the Website to operate at a higher and more efficient level. They are also very useful for you because, in addition to their navigation functions, they contribute to your personal online experience and can also be used to detect advertising fraud!
Cookies are small text data files (hereinafter “cookies”) that are placed on your computer when you use the website by being saved and temporarily stored by your internet browser.
Cookies do not contain personal data, names, passwords, except for the IP address of the current Internet connection.
You have full control over the use of cookies, most of which require your individual consent, which you can give in a short information window when you first visit the website or limit by setting options.
The legal basis for processing is your consent. The so-called. “cookies” and similar technologies such as tracking codes, re-marketing tags, pixels are activated after the user has given his/her consent. Accepting cookies does NOT affect the security risk of password access. Acceptance of cookies is not mandatory, but we cannot be held responsible if our website does NOT work as expected, or even NOT at all, without cookies being enabled!
The basic technical cookies are only used to identify the session, which are necessary for the web server to display the appropriate data presentation responses. They are intended to ensure the functionality of the website. Examples include authentication, multimedia player, load balancing and user interface customisation session cookies, as well as user-centric security cookies. (The legal basis for processing is Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services.)
Preference cookies may be used with your voluntary consent. One group of cookies are so-called personal cookies, which allow us to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, for example, your preferred language or the region you are in.
The benefit of statistical cookies is that the website owner can better understand how visitors interact with the website from anonymous data. By using them, services can be planned with sufficient resources to smoothly provide the required functionality. Marketing cookies help to make it easier for other visitors to find the pages you are visiting and make them more interesting based on activity.
We therefore ask for your consent to tracking by Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and HotJar.
Third parties may NOT collect data without your consent. Except in the rare case of a request by a public authority as provided by law. For details about third party cookies, please see this page.
Most of the most commonly used internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) do not block the download and use of cookies by default. It is still up to you to refuse or disable them by changing your browser settings, or you can delete cookies already stored on your computer. For more information on the use of cookies, please see the “help” section of each browser. Google Chrome browser family (Opera, Vivaldi, Brave), Mozilla Firefox browser, Microsoft Edge browser, Apple Safari browser.
Due to changes in legislation since March 2024, information on the cookies used is detailed separately and can be found here:
Cookie detailed